Quarry feels like home for this Rock Star and SB1 hits the pumps

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7 years ago

Gregg and Brett: Well written rebuttals to this unnecessary tax.

7 years ago

We can all agree that our infrastructure has been neglected and it needs more funding. The problem is that the State has mismanaged for years the taxes that we send so that is why there is blow back on adding an additional tax. Just imagine the funding we'd have if the money from the HSR was used for our roadways and not somebody's legacy.

7 years ago

We all know that the monies won't go to fixing, repairing and building new roads. It is going to governor moonbeams boondoggle rapid rail from Socal to Norcal. Which is a total waste of money. That's one of the reasons why the Republicans are fighting it. Also in the state of California the governor and assembly can't raise our taxes, it has to be voted on by the people. They don't have that right and we should not give him that right. Let's beat this tax on the people of California. Wake up!!! Don't you want to use that extra money you are paying for your family, I do! Thank You

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